Hands up if your food day quite often looks like this:
Breakfast: 250 calories
Lunch: 375 calories
Snack: 150 calories
Dinner: 70,850 calories
OK, ok so dinner may be a slight exaggeration but you KNOW what I mean.
You start the day off with the best of intentions, you put ‘rules’ in place.
‘You can’t have this’.
‘You’re not allowed that’.
Your self control gets pushed to the MAX, the end of the day comes and boom you say…
‘F**K IT!’.
Cue uncontrollable eating followed by feelings of GUILT and unhappiness.
Sound about right?
That’s because it’s so common and you’re not alone.
Anyone who puts themselves on a ‘diet’ is literally setting themselves up to FAIL.
Not to mention struggle with ENERGY, have ridiculous MOOD swings and generally feel like crap – it’s painful.
That’s exactly why I offer personalized 6 Week Nutrition Plans.
– to EASE that pain.
No starving, no crazy diet, no pills, no mood swings.
Simply tasty and easy to make meals based on the foods you already enjoy (yes including chocolate and cake).
They’re designed to be flexible, work around your lifestyle and help you establish healthier eating habits you can sustain for the rest of your LIFE.
Perfect for getting back on track after Easter!!
Press play for more info:
Here’s that link:
The MAX Experience doors CLOSE tomorrow @ midnight.
Until then, you can grab a whopping £15 OFF a personalized 6 Week Nutrition Plan.
PLUS access to 80 (and counting) belly blasting, feel good, 10min HIIT workouts.
PLUS Warm up, Stretching, ‘How To’ videos to a fantastic private FB group for support, motivation and monthly reviews for accountability.
Getting in shape has never been EASIER!
For more info, a free taster and how to grab a place before they all GO!
Click here:
Lee ‘making fitness and fatloss simple’ Donald x
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