Welcome to the 1st FULL week of Jelly Belly June.
If you’ve been following me on social media you’ll know Jelly Belly June is all about banishing that stubborn ab-flab (aka The Pooch).
Believe or not, it’s not complicated and doesn’t have to take a MASSIVE amount of effort.
Make small changes on a DAILY basis and you’ll soon see your stomach get flatter.
So what do I need to do Lee?
Here’s 6 simple steps to fight that ab-flab and bring SEXY back:
1. Drink At Least 2 litres of Water A Day.
– Try add a little lemon or fruit to your water, it’s super refreshing.
2. Aim To Hit At Least 10, 000 Steps A Day.
If you’re nowhere near that try to do a little more each day.
3. Eat More Protein.
– At LEAST at every meal.
4. Cut Down On Sugary Crap & Alcohol.
– Sugar loves to stick around the gut….no cutting down, no abs!!
5. Keep Your Portions Under Control.
– This applies at the w/e too!
6. Get A Sweat on At Least 3 Times A Week.
– This does NOT need to take long, infact it can be done in as little as 10mins.
Aaaand I just so happen to have a little something something up my sleeve for you.
Prepare to CRANK up your fat-burning.
BURN a shed load of calories.
Get your SWEAT on and hit that POOCH.
You should be.
Buuuut you’re going to have to wait till Thursday.
So stay tuned and until then focus on the 6 simple steps above and let’s smash the pants off Jelly Belly June.
Lee ‘ab flab fighter’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training