Happy Monday : )
How was your w/e?
From FINALLY getting my tree up to celebrating The BodyMax Network’s 5th Annual Crimbo Night.
Yuuuuuup the festiveness was in FULL flow.
Aaaand just in time!!
12 days and it’s Christmas friggin Day – WOW!!
Exciting, scary and SOOOO much to do before the ‘big man’ arrives.
From shopping to buy, presents to wrap, people to see….
Are YOU making time for yourself?
I’m not just speaking about working out (although very important).
Are you finding time to RELAX and ‘switch off’ (even if it’s 5 mins).
Are you taking time to do things you WANT to do instead what you feel you HAVE to do?
Are you getting enough SLEEP?
Having personally spent the last couple of weeks enduring the lurgy and STILL feeling crap.
I can’t stress enough HOW important it is to take some ‘YOU’ time.
Nobody’s truly going to look after No.1 apart from YOU.
Christmas is an exciting time so here’s 5 Simple Tips to make sure you ENJOY it and feel energized instead of super STRESSED.
1. Have a daily 10 min HIIT workout.
The MAX Experience taster is perfect for this.
NO equipment and NO gym required.
If you haven’t already,
Grab it here and I GUARANTEE it’ll help you de-stress and feel fabulous.
P.s Only 4 weeks till 2017’s launch – EXCITING!!
2. Keep Hydrated.
This is a big one that makes SUCH a difference to your energy, fatloss and basic, essential functioning.
Aim for 2 litres minimum.
3. Eat Crap = Feel Like Crap So Ditch The Sh*t.
It starts with the food shop.
Make sure you’ve plenty of HEALTHY food in your fridge/cupboards.
If people bring you ‘goodies’ re-gift and remember you did yourself a FAVOUR.
4. Get 7-9 hrs sleep.
ANOTHER big one even more so than exercise and nutrition for the same reasons as Tip No.2.
5. Make some YOU time!!
Probably the most important of them ALL.
The festive period is a crazy time where we’re constantly thinking of OTHERS.
So don’t forget to think about yourself and make a little YOU time : )
Lee ‘about to put the kettle on and take 5’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training