Less than 10% of the people who purchase a fitness program ever complete it.
Over 50% of the people that begin the fitness program quit WITHIN the first 3 weeks.
Those are some sad yet unsurprising statistics : (
These numbers may vary slightly, depending on what studies you read but it’s safe to say….
The percentage of people that quit any fitness program is scarily HIGH!
So WHY do so many people fail to succeed?
1. Lack Of Time.
With work, family and other time commitments, people have LESS time than ever to exercise.
Find a program / activity that’s not time consuming.
EVERY workout in The MAX Experience is only 10 mins.
Super quick, easy to follow, press play and GO.
Want a cheeky taster?
Here’s one I made earlier:
2. No Support, Motivation or Accountability.
Even the most successful people have a support network!
Get a workout partner or join a team.
Accountability is an ESSENTIAL element to success
With weekly check ins and monthly team reviews to keep you on track, don’t worry, The MAX Experience has got you covered.
We also have an AMAZING community of women in our private facebook group who are all there to support, motivate and cheer each other on.
Join our Team here:
3. Boredom.
Doing the SAME things over and over again gets boring very quickly and trying to stick to a boring program becomes impossible.
Switch it Up.
With over 85 and counting short, fun workouts there’s no danger of EVER getting bored with The MAX Experience.
Keeping things FRESH means you’ll enjoy it.
If you enjoy something you’ll stick at it.
And that my friend = RESULTS!
4. Doing Too Much Too Soon (yup that old chesnut).
Possibly the most COMMON mistake people make when they begin any fitness program.
Take it ONE step at a time.
At The MAX Experience there’s a dedicated ‘Beginners Section’.
I not only personally sweat it out and do all the workouts with you but I also show you how to warm up/stretch correctly.
Aaaaand provide ‘how to’ videos if you’re unsure of anything.
I’m also always at your fingertips and just a Facebook message away.
5. Frustrated with Lack of Results.
We ALL wants results and we want them yesterday.
Ensure your goals are realistic.
At The MAX Experience we keep things super simple.
We break everything down into ‘easy to achieve’ bite size goals.
You are NOT going to lose a stone in a week!
But rest assured.
Following The MAX Experience workouts accompanied by hitting your bitesize goals is the EASIEST and QUICKEST way you’ll ever get results.
Most importantly, you’ll have the knowledge to be able to maintain it all for the rest of your LIFE!
Sound good?
Sign up here:
Lee ‘dedicated to your success’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training