Sunshine, sand, sea, QT with the fam, involuntarily running with wild horses oh aaand holding a live snake (as you do), lol.
Yeah, unfortunately those memories and pics above were last year in Menorca and we’re not going abroad this year so fingers crossed Edinburgh pulls out the stops : )
Regardless of WHERE you are I’ve got some top ‘secrets’ to help you fight that holiday flab that’s so easy to gain and 10x harder to lose!
These ‘secrets’ are EXACTLY what I put into practice in Menorca and the same principles I’d follow on every holiday.
If you’d like to know how to enjoy your holidays without sacrificing your waistline, read on.
They’re super simple and something EVERYBODY reading this can do.
So here’s how I managed to fight the flab after a 7 day ALL inclusive and how easy it can be for you too.
1. Avoided alcohol during the DAY.
2. Drank vodka, sparkling water and fresh lime every night but didn’t go mad.
Plus the couple cheeky cocktails on the last night!
3. Ate breakfast, lunch and dinner and tried to stay away from the poolside SNACKS.
4. If I did fancy something between meals it was either one of the ‘fruit pots’ on offer, a super small tub of ice cream or a protein bar I packed from home.
5. There was no hotel gym so went for an early morning run 4 out of 7 days (around 5km each time) – cue those wild horses! lol.
6. ACTIVELY played at the pool & beach.
Swimming, building sandcastles and messing around with your 2 year old burns alot of calories, not to mention fun.
That 2 year old is now 3 aaaand we’ve also now got a 10 week old so cue EXTRA calories burned this holiday! lol.
7. Walked around 2km each day pushing the Mini Boss in her stroller so she could nap.
8. Went out and about after dinner – walking to the park and to the beach to see the beautiful sunset.
9. Loaded up on PROTEIN at every meal to help curb cravings, keep me full and feed my muscles.
(more muscle = more calories burned).
Protein on my plate first, veg/salad then carbs.
10. Opted for FRESH salads adding balsamic vinegar instead of the creamy pre-made ones.
11. Avoided anything DEEP FRIED
(including chips although did steal a couple off the wife’s plate).
12. Enjoyed sampling the desserts but didn’t go crazy.
13. Drank a sh*t load of WATER.
14. Avoided the unlimited hot chocolates, slush puppies and fizzy juice available all day every day but did hit up the expresso’s and Americano’s (skim milk, sweetener)
I’d rather EAT my calories!
The key to looking and feeling your best on holiday or even at home isn’t complicated – it just takes a little bit of mindfulness and effort.
So if you’re fed up of going on holiday and coming home feeling BLOATED, tired and even more self conscious than before you left.
Try giving these tips a go and put in some damage limitation.
Lee ‘missing those Menorca vibes’ Donald x
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