Do you like cake, pizza, brownies, pancakes and everything that’s supposed to be ‘bad’ for you?
Then you’ll LOOOOVE this!
Here’s 10 incredible, mouth watering recipes (with macros) for you.
I wish I could take credit for these but I can’t.
They were actually sent to me by the SFN EXPO.
The BIGGEST Sport Fitness and Nutrition Expo in Scotland.
This year’s event is taking place at the SECC in Glasgow on 27th-28th August.
And as it’s their 3rd year, they’re going bigger and BETTER than ever before.
So if your a fitness fan or gym lover…
While you’re checking out your 10 awesome ‘naughty but nice’ protein recipes, have a little look at what the SFN Expo is all about.
Aaaaand as an official SFN Expo 2016 Ambassador,
I can also offer you 10% off ALL tickets with discount code: SFNAM08
It’s going to be pretty friggin’ AWESOME and hope to see you there : )
Lee ‘ready to get my bake on’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training