Well then.
Today’s a big day huh?
Many restrictions lifted, more freedom and another step closer to ‘normality’ which is super exciting.
But with all the hustle and bustle of being able to go shopping, out for food/drinks and seeing more friends – just don’t forget to take care of you.
To help you out with that and make things abit easier, I thought I’d share a fab, abalicious home workout.
**suitable for all levels/options throughout.
This is a free taster from a previous LIVE workout inside my online coaching hub The MAX Experience.
I’ve edited the chat.
So all you need to do is press play and start building those sexy Summer abs : )
If you’re a woman who’s been struggling with motivation, snacking for Scotland, consuming more alcohol, exercising less and need help breaking those negative lockdown habits.
I’d love to help!
The MAX Experience is sooo much more than just short & effective workouts to help you burn fat fast and sculpt your body.
It’s about helping women lose weight, eat better, get fitter and become stronger.
To have more confidence, more energy, less stress, boost their mental health and simply feel happier in themselves without having to diet or join a gym.
If haven’t jumped onboard already.
If you’re fed up of saying the same thing every year about how you’re going change this and change that.
Buuuut you’re in exactly the same place as you were this time last year (be honest).
Grab a 7 Day FREE Trial or sign up for only £5 pw (cancel anytime).
And I’ll coach you personally step by step how to look great and feel amazing without having to give up alcohol, your favourite food or socialising.
Lee ‘helping women bring sexy back this Summer’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training