Last week I spoke about ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ foods and gave you access to a free Calorie Calculator as well as 7 free days of coaching.


To make achieving your goals much easier, more effective and more enjoyable.


Did you try it?


How did you get on?


If you missed those FREEBIES, tap here.


This week, I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little concerned.


With darker, colder days creeping in along with all the constant uncertainty of our cost of living, etc.


I suspect you may be struggling with energy, motivation and likely feeling frustrated with everything right now.


Less daylight, bad weather plus added stress for for many, means more hiding away indoors, more comfort eating and negative thoughts which…


= Less exercise

= Less endorphins (natural feel good chemical from exercise).

= Less energy

= Less motivation

= Less confidence

= More weight gain

= More chances of having health complications

= More at risk of suffering from depression & anxiety

= More likely to make you feel unhealthy, unhappy and just not in a good place!!




This doesn’t necessarily have to be the case and as always, I’m here to help you the best I can.


So today, I just wanted to share with you some ideas, tips and things to focus on to help keep you on track.


To make sure you take care of yourself especially if you’re Mum or someone who takes care of others.


If you don’t look after No.1.


Nobody else will do it for you.


So here’s those focus points:




1. Let go of things you can’t control.


Easier said than done but essential for your happiness and sanity.


Changes to your mindset don’t happen overnight but the more you practice, the better you’ll get.


2. Do the best with what you have.


3. As bad as life may seem, always try to focus on the positives – even though they may be hard to find (a negative mind will never lead a positive life).


4. Write things down and plan what you can.


5. Communicate with your friends/family and check in on each other regularly.


6. Don’t rely on others to make you happy (you’re responsible for own happiness).


7. Do at least one thing each day you enjoy.


8. Remember life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you choose to deal with it.


9. You only fail when you stop trying so don’t give up.


10. You survived all of your ‘worst’ days – you can do this!




1. Keep hydrated.


Aim for 2 litres of water/juice daily.


2. Keep active and get those steps in even if it means just walking around your house or work place.


Aim for a minimum of 7k daily but remember something is always better than nothing.


3. Tracking your calories is the best way to successful manage and achieve your weightloss goal but if you don’t want to do this.


Aim for 3 meals a day plus 2-3 snacks – portion size and common sense for the win.


4. Load up on fruit/veg and try get protein in at eat meal.


5. Try not drink your calories (eg lattes, milkshakes, smoothies).


6. Save the alcohol for weekends only.


7. Set yourself a bedtime routine to help you get a better sleep.


I hope you find this helpful and seriously….hope you’re ok!


If you need more support with any of this, grab that FREE 7 Day Trial and come join us onboard The MAX Experience.


We’ve got an awesome 7day challenge about to kickoff in a couple days.


Designed to get your butt moving, boost your motivation and just feel better in yourself so the perfect time to grab your freebie!!


No catch, zero risk and 100% free.




The MAX Experience along with every other health & fitness platform, training program and diet in the world will only work if YOU do.


You can have the BEST workouts, recipes and all the support you need but if you don’t choose to take action and make some changes…nothing will change.


Lee ‘here to help you succeed’ Donald x



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