The kids are on holiday, it’s sunny, it’s raining, it’s the weekend…..bla bla blaa.
We give ourselves so many reasons NOT to do things.
Things that will ultimately help us lead a much healthier and happier life!
So today’s blog is super short, simple and PERFECT if you feel like you’ve fallen off the wagon and in need of some motivation.
Your Challenge This Week:
Whether it’s a workout.
– Drinking X amount of water
– Doing X amount of steps
– Planning your meals
– Tracking your calories
– Eating more fruit/veg
– Drinking less alcohol
– Going to bed at the same time
Or simply taking 5mins to yourself each day.
Give yourself at least 3 reasons why you SHOULD and CAN.
Quite possibly the simplest yet most effective tip in the world to help you succeed.
Because when you start changing your mindset – you’ll start changing your life!
Where would you be by this time next week, month or year if you:
Stopped waiting for Monday, for Friday, for payday, the kids to go back to school, the summer to start.
And begun thinking positively, giving yourself reasons why you should, taking action and telling yourself that ‘you can’.
What would you look like?
How would you feel?
Shifting those pounds, getting fitter, healthier and feeling happier in yourself isn’t overly complicated, it just requires effort.
The kids will be back at school and Summer will be here before we know it.
So if there’s anything you’d like to change.
If you don’t want to feel exactly the same then as you do now, then the time do something about it is always the present.
If you’re not already part of the Team and need a little help with this.
Your mindset, motivation, accountability and support.
If you’re not sure what workouts to do to get the best results without having to join a gym.
If you’d like to achieve your goals without having to give up your favourite food or alcohol.
Grab a FREE 7 Day Trial to The MAX Experience
And I’ll show you how : )
Lee ‘encouraging you to take action this April’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training