Whether you stayed in this weekend or went out and soaked up the Summer socialising fun.
Here’s an important question for you.
✅ Did you wear whatever you wanted, feel happy, comfortable, confident and enjoy it all?
Did you have to wear what fitted, to cover up ‘your bits’, felt overly hot, uncomfortable and self conscious?#
I could be wrong, but I suspect 90% of the women who read this, will mostly relate to the latter.
Sadly, to the delight of all the weightloss companies out there.
Herbalife, Cambridge Diet, Raspberry Ketones, Slim Fast, Bootea, Boom Bod and Body Pow which I stumbled upon at the weekend.
The list is endless.
Companies selling absolute rubbish rolled into a tea, shake, bar, pill or even worse, an injection.
Making ridiculous claims like ‘lose a stone in a week’.
Backing it up with clever marketing/celebs and pretty pictures yet absolute no scientific evidence to support their claims and no conscious they’re ripping you off.
Yet millions of women desperate to lose weight fall for this hook, line & sinker.
They burn a hole in their pocket and either see zero results due to unrealistic and unsustainable low calories.
Lose a shit load of water weight which they then put back on as soon as they start eating ‘normal’ again.
Sound familiar?
If it does…
Please stop trying to find a quick fix to lose weight and feel happier in yourself.
There just isn’t one.
However, here’s some good news.
✅ If you’re fed up of yo-yo dieting and would love to stop stressing about the next diet to jump on.
✅ If you’d like to take control back, learn how to lose weight and KEEP it off without giving up your fave foods or alcohol.
✅ If you’d like to make this process as simple, enjoyable and affordable as possible.
So you can feel strong, confident and sexy in your Summer wardrobe…or anything else for that matter.
I’ll teach you exactly how inside The MAX Experience.
Oh and it’ll cost you less than a takeaway!!
Seriously…if you still don’t look or feel how you want to, tap here – it’s worth checking out.
But hey, whether you choose to jump onboard or not.
Here’s my biggest tip of the day:
Don’t take weightloss advice from magazines, supermarkets, the TV or celebs.
Or your neighbour down the street who just signed up to be a ‘Weightloss Rep’, yet has absolutely zero knowledge of nutrition.
Lee ’empowering women with the truth’ Donald x
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