OH…M…G – I did it again!!


My exact thoughts after being told some AMAZING news last week.


But first, let me give you a little pre-exciting news info.


In 2021 – I won Scotland’s Prestige Awards.

🏆 Personal Training Specialist of the Year.


If you’ve been reading my blog or following me on social media for a while, you may remember this pic from the red carpet in Edinburgh and the crazy story behind it, lol.



If not, just know glamming up in 5 mins for an awards presentation and photoshoot is not a challenge any of us wish to take on again, lol.


In 2023 – I won Scotland’s Prestige Awards.

🏆 Female Fitness Entrepreneur of the Year 2022/34.


And after seeing some business’s post last month on social media that they’d won their category at the same awards this year, I just presumed I hadn’t been selected to be involved.




Whilst casually answering some emails last Thursday ‘PING’….in came one from Daniel at the Prestige Awards.


Cue a rather excited Lee : )


He explained, as I’d won the last 2 years, I would automatically be on the shortlist this year.


These awards recognise small and medium-sized businesses that have proven to be the best in their market over the past 12 months.


All shortlisted companies are asked to support their nomination with evidence of their work, positive feedback from their clients, information on previous accreditation and recognition as well as highlighting the most outstanding parts of their businesses.


The judging panel base their decisions upon areas such as service excellence, quality of the product/ service provided, innovative practices, value, ethical or sustainable methods of working, as well as consistency in performance.


Sounds fantastic huh?


Until you have to complete a form with all the evidence, media links, testimonials, etc in an allocated word count!!


Could I be bothered updating and submitting this again?




Because if its ONE thing I’ve learned and consistently encourage others to do, it’s always grab opportunities when they come your way.


It’s been crazy busy lately but managed to make the time and get my evidence in just before the closing date, I then eagerly waited for the judging panel to consider me.


Aaand then….not many days after the deadline, I received another email.


Here was Daniel again letting me know, the judges had made their decision and to give him a call…..eeeek.


So I picked up my lady balls and made the call.


Sh*t – this was it. I braced myself for both good and bad news.


Daniel took his time explaining a few things about the awards and by this point, my heart was racing.


Could I possibly win 3 years in a row?!


He chatted with me about my business and also explained what the judges had been looking for this year.


It was a tense moment,


Not gonna lie, by this point….


After investing the time and effort to submit my evidence and the prospect of making it a ‘hat trick’, I really wanted to win.


The wait, the anticipation, it’s such a killer not knowing either way.


These awards aren’t just Aberdeen – they include the whole of Scotland.


I was waiting for the ‘thank you, but you didn’t make it this year’.


However, he then proceeded to tell me,


They rarely have winners recognised consistently but the judges were really impressed with my dedication and how I’ve operated my business over the last 12months as well as committing to take on the incredible challenge of conquering Mount Everest….and they had selected me as the WINNER!!


🏆 Female Fitness Entrepreneur of the Year 2023/24.


WOW – so chuffed!!


Cue very uncool air dance and a big smile, lol.


It’s been a super hard 12months both in business and on a personal level.


I feel like I’ve been tested to my limits, broken down and majorly struggled at times but I’ve kept picking myself up, worked hard and hopefully helped others by sharing these struggles.


Winning an award and having your hard work recognised is such an amazing feeling but helping others positively change their lives is priceless.


I just wanted to share this exciting news with you and say THANK YOU 🙏


Thank you for taking the time and continuing to read my weekly blogs, hopefully you find them helpful and enjoy reading them.


Am now looking forward to the Presentation Day in Edinburgh this October.


In the meantime, I’m gonna keep doing my best to help others be their best.



If you’d like more help achieving your goals, just get in touch : )


Lee ‘Female Fitness Entrepreneur of the Year 2023/24’ Donald x



Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training

Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite

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Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training


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